Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Hike Up A Hill

Waking up as early as 3am, some not even bothered to take a peek at that tempting slumber; these few people, decided to gather and travel for miles, and for hours to reach their destination...their goal...their aim...their target...their (ok I guess you get my point ^^)


"I reach the top dy la~!!!"

[sinister laugh continues while Michael (left) and Kelvin (right) giggles and joins in the excitement]

After squatting here and there out of tiredness, jumping for joy around the top of the hill, drinking water like a fish out of thirstiness, throwing stones like an aborigine trying to beat the others, chitter-chatter in amazement of the beautiful scenery...some decided to pose

J says, ".........."

AA tells, "Eh, come arh...let's go and shout to the hills and see whether who's voice echoes back the loudest! I know mine sure loudest."

V spectacled thinking, "what is AA talking about ah..?"

in deep thoughts, "So sien wan, come up here oso sien wan, got what to see? only mountain hills and sien wan, when are they gonna start going back down?"

mums, "hearh...?!?!"

thinking, "Is this guy for real? Someone tell me he's gotta be joking."

busy chitter-chatter like selling fish in a market.

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By higherground7 at 2007-06-27
"Come all smile to the camera! hehehe.."
from left, Michael, A-ron.P, Jeshua, Vincent, Kelvin, Sean, Edwin, and Ah Yao

after their hike up the mountain, they went down the and have their SUPER CHEAP breakfast, RM2.50 for one BIG BOWL of curry, you can't find that cheap of a meal anywhere! Lembing mee, a special mee only found in Sungai Lembing, is a delicacy, it's not as hazardous as those normal mee the mamak feller fries in your local mamak stall, you just gotta try it to believe it...the mee is not sticky to the teeth, and they are much tastier too compared to the norms

they had a sumptuous brunch, a real filler and one can predict that with such an appetizing brunch, their bellies must be bloated...they had to crawl back to Kelvin's place to rest before heading back home Kuantan. They were all too tired to move around, too tired that I guess it was obvious for this guy here to even bother sleeping in the right alignment. (guess he's being innovative to come up with another way/pose to sleep)

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We hiked up Sg. Lembing panoramic hill somewhere in 2006 and this is the picture of us who made it to the top including the camerawoman, Tiff...and some others behind the camera

taken during their trip up to Bukit Panorama, Sg. Lembing
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Monday, June 25, 2007

Beach Run `07

It was indeed very sunny and hot that particular day with lots of people in shades

the Beach Run event was a success overall!

special thanks to:
the HG members
the oblivious civilians
the committee
the participants

I was wearing that studded belt on that day
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Coming Soon

Which side are you...

the Decepticons?



...everything is at stake...

...sin and all else evil is in its way...

...the ultimate battle ever...

...and only one bot will overcome destruction...

Megalithic Quadbot

taken during HG Retreat `06 at Awana Kijal Terengganu

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Sunday, June 24, 2007


this is a song by Mercy Me entitled "Homesick"

You're in a better place, I've heard a thousand times
And at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you
But the reason why I'm broken, the reason why I cry
Is how long must I wait to be with you

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

Help me Lord cause I don't understand your ways
The reason why I wonder if I'll ever know
But, even if you showed me, the hurt would be the same
Cause I'm still here so far away from home

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

In Christ, there are no goodbye
And in Christ, there is no end
So I'll hold onto Jesus with all that I have
To see you again
To see you again

And I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow

I've never been more homesick than now

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Friday, June 22, 2007

In Loving Memories

Remembrance of a heartwarming smile
forever in our memories sustains,
as we part here but meet somehow.
Having peace fill both you and me
that we may look up a while
knowing you'll be there anyhow.

Our beloved Sister Veronica Tan May Lee was called to the Lord
Memorial service will be held at Grace Charismatic Centre Kuantan (GCC)
at 8pm on the 23rd of June 2007
she will be buried in New Zealand

click here to the link to her last blogs

click here to read it on the news,
and here is the other link;
this is another link to the news.

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Practice 101

During the practice of the seniors in Higher Ground for June's Sessions, I managed to snap a few provocative poses and styles, moreover a video of something me when I said it is remarkable, not only so, it is astounding and unique to be called in such...

Before they had a sync practice, they were in their groove in a jiffy, I had the authority and the permission needed to actually preview these pictures on the blog. Well you see, we don't need no license to publish such photos, nor do we need a black and white document with hard and soft copy as proof; but we do need to inform its respective owner that we'll be posting such and such...we do try to keep our viewers and especially the "star" feel like one...not a joke too heavy for them to bear I hope.

Well, looks like I was sidetracked there for a moment...back to the practice, We have PhoeB looking like...doing the...err...What On Earth Is She Doing!?

Well anyway, don't mind the spasticity portrayed by her...we then had Abi drumming up some beats on th....wait a minute, this ain't right...

Abi plays the bass like he should and known to be...LOL
These two siblings comes from Wesley Methodist Church Kuantan (WMC)..

Our gorgeous and beautiful lady-like lass, all the way from...err ( I'm not sure but me not knowing means you having an opportunity to spark a conversation with her the next time you see her around and ask her XP) ...she is gifted! Look at her stride, so gaya, so full of gotta agree with me on that or else she may discipline you like a mum would...she's from Kuantan Presbyterian Church (KPC).

A-ron.P couldn't let his fingers holding just the drum sticks the entire time so he must've slipped into this fine monster bass speeding through some of his antics, feeling the kick in its volume as you can see in this picture...but let's face it, giving him the credit that he's better at the drums than he is on the bass...for those who has heard him play, I suppose they couldn't have said it any better :D he is from Grace Charismatic Centre Kuantan (GCC)

look look...there's Phil.P facing it off with Gary in a solo breakthrough! Talk about being a skilled musician, well it takes more than just listening to musics if you ask me hehehe ...Phil.P is from Shalom Fellowship whilst Gary from Kuantan Baptist Church (KBC)

And an exclusive clip is now brought to your viewing, it's nothing gruesome, it's nothing sinister, it's nothing frightening or something that will glue you to your couch crying like watching Korean series but it does provide some giggle, if not a laughter, if not then i suppose a smile at'll know who this is ^_^ our very own metronome

best of all...we're all one big happy family, talk about relationships :P
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fine Dining

After this months' session, we can't help but fill up our empty stomach.... We consists of a few ...well a number of us, lets' just say that there's more than a couple of us... We had our LAST SUPPER ...(for the night)

and while they are having a delicious meal Look at these two fellers... What on earth are these two trying to do? Talk about impersonation....

Ah..after our meals, after filling up our growling tummy, some of us found, not peace, but fun.. try and take a wild guess what could they be possibly doing in this picture....

....and there was an unexpected apparatus....just watch closely to this

after the HG June session
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Monday, June 18, 2007




    1. A male person whose sperm unites with an egg, resulting in the conception of a child.
    2. A man who adopts a child.
    3. A man who raises a child.
  1. A male parent of an animal.
  2. A male ancestor.
  3. A man who creates, originates, or founds something: Chaucer is considered the father of English poetry.
  4. An early form; a prototype.
  5. Father Christianity.
    1. God.
    2. The first person of the Christian Trinity.
  6. An elderly or venerable man. Used as a title of respect.
  7. A member of the senate in ancient Rome.
  8. One of the leading men, as of a city: the town fathers.
  9. or Father A church father.
  10. (Abbr. Fr.)
    1. A priest or clergyman in the Roman Catholic or Anglican churches.
    2. Used as a title and form of address with or without the clergyman's name.

v., -thered, -ther·ing, -thers.
  1. To procreate (offspring) as the male parent.
  2. To act or serve as a father to (a child).
  3. To create, found, or originate.
  4. To acknowledge responsibility for.
    1. To attribute the paternity, creation, or origin of.
    2. To assign falsely or unjustly; foist.

To act or serve as a father.

[Middle English fader, from Old English fæder.]


  1. The period of light between dawn and nightfall; the interval from sunrise to sunset.
    1. The 24-hour period during which the earth completes one rotation on its axis.
    2. The period during which a celestial body makes a similar rotation.
  2. (Abbr. D) One of the numbered 24-hour periods into which a week, month, or year is divided.
  3. The portion of a 24-hour period that is devoted to work, school, or business: an eight-hour day; a sale that lasted for three days.
  4. A 24-hour period or a portion of it that is reserved for a certain activity: a day of rest.
    1. A specific, characteristic period in one's lifetime: In Grandmother's day, skirts were long.
    2. A period of opportunity or prominence: Every defendant is entitled to a day in court. That child will have her day.
  5. A period of time in history; an era: We studied the tactics used in Napoleon's day. The day of computer science is well upon us.
  6. days Period of life or activity: The sick cat's days will soon be over.
  1. Of or relating to the day.
  2. Working during the day: the day nurse.
  3. Occurring before nightfall: a day hike.

Father's Day 2007 is Sunday, June 17.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Higher Ground June `07

Higher Ground 16th June 2007:

James 1:13
The difference of Temptation & a Test?

Temptation draws you away or further from God (example: Samson & Delilah)

Tests makes a person stronger in character (example: Joseph & Job)
Job 23:10

Job was upright, righteous and blameless
He lost his cattle's and sheep's
He lost his servants
He lost his sons and daughters
He had sores and boils
And did he curse God? NO!

Where does Temptation comes from?
1 John 2:16

Temptation is by using Money, Fame, Power, Lust(Sex)
Genesis 3:1-7
2 Samuel 11
Luke 4:1-13

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This is Edwin doing the games before the start of the session

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Here are two of the seniors, Pamela.L and Zi Jin

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The band worshiping

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Part of the crowd worshiping

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Tho crowd!

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The band in a time of worship

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Scramble for a comfy seat

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Speakers Sister Janet (right) and Sister Oi Lan (interpretor)

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...say a prayer...

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" peeping now..."

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One more time before we wrap this up

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Birthday Dudes of the month!

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*shh...they're praying

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Phil.P given the honor to pray

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...well, it speaks for itself...

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

NOTE: These pictures were taken naturally, there were no posers in the production of these images, thank you

Casts: Chai, Phil.P, Michel, A-ron.P, Joshua, Gary

taken during their makan at Kemaman
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Circle of Prayse

the day is a Saturday...and the group, known as Higher Grounders will participate in a prayer chain, not solely praying but also having their fantastic and awesome time of praise and worship...without further ado, i shall inform u (albeit it's kinda late about it) that the committee members will be having their meet at Grace Charismatic Church (GCC) at 7am...yes, no kidding 7AM on the 16th of June 2007...we're just a bunch of teenagers from various churches and denominations coming for this COP, building bonds and tying them strong, is what makes us different...

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Christmas Tree `06

Isn't this a lovely tree?
I couldn't agree more..
It took an hour, two or three
to decorate something like never before.

This ain't a sight, it is a sore...
I couldn't bear it standing free.
Dull, plain, boring; it's a bore
to see it naked right before Thee.

In the previous picture,
it was decorated
by a few of HG members
during an event called
Christmas Blitz `06

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OK`~ this is how it's gonna be played, you choose the best caption to this picture, or u suggest one itself.. hehehehe


"You can't see me...SEE, i got my hands to cover my pwetty face"


"Hey! Stop taking my pictures...i don't need such publicity!"


"...check out my new watch..."


"Enough of the seen, now imagine the unseen"


"Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."




"*PIAK* Dang...this fly was at my face!"


"Oh could i have forgotten, i forgot to bring my wallet to pay for my food!"


"AH!!! Spasm!!!"


" between the lines.....see my eye? lol"

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Take a good look at this feller...
(yes, the "hamster" looking guy)

He's wanted for various cases he has committed for the past several months : -

1. Masterminding the "Beach Run" deejay slot and music entertainments.

2. Not informing that the Beach Run is organized by the Prison Ministry Committee Board.

3. Keeping mum of the actual date for the Beach Run which is on the 24th of June 2007 at Teluk Chempedak.

4. Charging RM15.00 per person to participate in the Beach Run of about 8 kilometres.

5. For not informing the time of the event and the launch of it.

for ANYONE who spots this 'criminal', please get his attention to this notice; you will be greatly heaven HEHEHE

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We've decided to..

...well actually i've decided to post some obscure pictures..
i'm sure some of us would be able to recognize those funny faces kekeke...
.. Phil.P Ol' Man ..

Hui Sen & Pao
[doing that odd face]

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This was taken during one of the members' outing to Panching Waterfalls in Pahang (did i spell the place correctly?) in 2006 (was it?) ...

From left, Vincent, Tiffanie and Edwin..

in the back is A-ron.P with his 2 friends and Jose sitting down, Ah Yao and some kid's butt and Kelvin watching...

well actually we have two butt-shots in this..


we have the 3 stooges (at the back) looking at some bird high up in the sky hoping some bird would bless them with droppings~...

Clement is doing some weird gesture =.="

and we have 3 kids now, butt-facing not to the camera hehehehe

does her thing..

Clement faces his back at the cam~


Jeshua decided to drop in ...

observe closely of their pose...]

(hehehe Jeshua...shed some laughter la k?)

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June's Higher Ground Sessions

It's about time...


we've packed this month's session with a bang add some spice a lil' and ta-da...

we've not forgotten the 'standard' procedures of having fun but in the same time being serious about biblical issues...

thus for this month, we promise that we'll deliver an astonishing performance led by the previous[seniors] Higher Ground musicians and they are sure to meet up to anyone's expectations for a so-called "remote" place like Kuantan, you have my word for it...

for this session, it's gonna be led by PhoeB, yes the cute cuddly smiling tangible gal backed by 2 vocals: Joshua Chin and Abi, which he also will be muffling up on the bass with his newly bought gadgets to rev up some bass, guitarist Gary.C with his solos and Phil.P a.k.a. "The Pastor" [it's just a name, mind you], Grace will be keying on some rhythmic notes on the keyboard/piano while A-ron.P will be on the drums and percussions...
They are all one fine bunch of musicians and they execute with perfection!
[yes you have my word on that...]

as we move on from the Praise&Worship, we have a distinctive speaker to talk about "TEMPTATION" for this month's HG Sessions..
it will be delivered by Sister Janet
surely she will have some words of wisdom to spare to us on that tempting topic.

We will be having a delicious cake!
YES, a delicious appetizing creamy mouth-watering cake to celebrate YOU babies of the month of JUNE.
What cake is it? gotta see it to believe it ^^


Higher Ground Crew would like to present its' monthly
sessions to everyone...pertinent details as below:

Venue : Kuantan Baptist Church (KBC)
Date : 16th June 2007
Time : 7. 30 PM

Any info needed pls feel free to contact :
Michel Ong : 017-9561958
Jasher Chew : 019-9855655
Clement Cheam : 016-9540747

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