Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Devotional Upload

Readings from 1 Samuel 30

I would not talk about the verse above but I will connect to it later.

First, some history:

1. David was anointed to be king of Israel by Samuel.

2. David suppose to lead Israel.

3. David suppose to be a replacement for Saul.

4. David suppose to rule over Israel. (knew beforehand)

In the previous chapters (1Sam 27-29), we see that:

1. David is lost after the death of Samuel.

2. David is living with the enemies of Israel (Philistines).

3. David is running away from Israel (Saul).

4. David is soon going to war with Israel.


As I connect to the main verse above, David, later after meeting his ‘suppose to be enemies’, found that someone stole both his men’s wives and his wives and he is in deep trouble.

Now, after all this, my main point is found in later part of verse 6,

“But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.”

How do I relate to our lives?

There are many times that we continue to sin one after another, from a small sin to a big sin, until one day everything around us seems to be out of control and we totally give up.

But the love of God with his amazing grace will soon be in control if we turn back to him and strengthened ourselves in the Lord.

devotion by jeremykce

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