Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Filled With The Holy Spirit.

By Marty Stokes from Hudson, Florida.


When I was full of hot air,
My tongue never did rest;
Because an ignorant man
Can always argue the best.

I would continue to argue,
After everyone fell asleep;
I wasn't full of the Spirit,
What I was full of was me.

God showed me my heart,
And I saw a big hypocrite;
If I was full of something,
It was not the Holy Spirit.

So loaded with knowledge,
I was totally empty of God;
There are so many like that,
That you and I may applaud.

We may think we're a leader,
But with nobody following;
We're only taking a walk,
We're not open to learning.

If we're filled with the Spirit,
We'll be emptied of pride;
But if we're full of ourselves,
We haven't been crucified

Marty Stokes
Hudson, FL

Taken from www.hopecrc.ca. Subject to copyright by author and owner.

compiled by Jeremy

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