Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What's Going On!?

My heart goes all out to the 23 Korean hostages detained by the Taliban group

Why should they in the first place travel so far when they can just go nearby?

Why must this happen to them kind Koreans who went all the way out into the Middle East just to lend a hand?

Why is the responsible group doing this to the Koreans?

Why is it that they are taken as hostages rather than their own people?

Why must they be kept as a bartering item when they are breathing just like you and me?

Why does it feel like there is a connection of a conflicting beliefs in the sect?

Why must this group do this to human beings in general?

Why must they torture the innocents and air it on the media?

Why would the group be acting in such a gory and brutal manner?

Why aren't the Koreans be given their rights to live?

Why is the group holding the Koreans' rights to live on a thin string?

Why must they act in such a way just to gather the attention of the media on the expense of innocent lives?



compiled by lyme disease

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