Every once in a while something will be said that we don't quite agree with or something will be done that we don't think should be done at the time and it may get under our skin. It comes down to how the person sets his priorities. Everyday we set priorities on everything we do. Whether it is reading our Bible or praying. If we get woke up before it is time to get up and there is something important to do; do we stop and take time with God first or do we just go ahead and do what we must do first? Which has priority?
The definition of Priority is something given meriting attention before completing alternatives. Everyone has their own opinion as to where to set the priority and it is based on what they have been taught. Who is right? Everyone will answer to God as to how he set his priorities, right or wrong.
Let's look at how some people set their priorities. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 but seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you. If you set your priorities with God being first he will take care of everything else you need. Jesus set his priorities with the will of God being above all things. In Luke 2:49 Jesus was 12 years old and was not found in the caravan as they were going home. When Mary and Joseph found him they questioned him but he answered, how is it that ye sought me? Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?
At 12 years old Jesus had already set his priorities to do the will of the Father. How did he know what he was supposed to do everyday? As you study the Gospels you find that Jesus withdrew himself and prayed. As you study deeper he would be alone each morning before daylight and talk with the Father. God would give him instructions and guide him by the Holy Spirit. Then there will be no question as to what the priorities are.
Let's look at the person named the 2nd most in the Gospels, Peter. Some say he was always messing up and sticking his foot in his mouth. I disagree he wanted to know everything he could know about Jesus Christ the Messiah. He would ask questions when no one else would. He would do things that no one else would do because he wanted to know. He had set his priorities to know Christ and to become as close to him as he could. He didn't care what it looked like.
What about Paul? He persecuted the Christians with zeal. When Christ got a hold of him on the road to Damascus, he changed his perspectives and his priorities and his priorities became to spread the word of God no matter what it cost him. He was beaten and stoned and shipwrecked but he kept his priorities with God first.
Where are your priorities? I don't want your answer that is between you and God, who by the way already has the answer. So if you tell yourself anything less than the full truth you are only lying to yourself. Are we any better than Christ himself, who being filled with the Holy Ghost needed to talk to the Father? That we can go through the day, the week, the month or the year without talking with the Father. If you can I guess the information was planted inside of you when you were born so that you don't need the Father to tell you where your priorities should be. The rest of us need that daily time with the Father.
Just think about it what has priority in your life?
Duane L. Huffstutler, Written 2008,
Duane L. Huffstutler is the Sunday School Director at Oak Grove Pentecostal Ministries in Bonifay Florida. With the Lord's help he has written many short devotions and a few long articles all to be used for the glory of God.
compiled by Jeremy
Friday, April 30, 2010
PRIORITIES By Duane Huffstutler
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Saturday, April 24, 2010
Death of a Loved One By Nellie Shani
Death of a Loved One By Nellie Shani
"How old was your mother?" "Seventy four", I answered with pain searing through my heart with new intensity. "Oh that's not too bad, I thought maybe she was younger. Her time had come." Those words wounded me as if a thousand arrows had been thrust through my heart!
My mother had just died two days before, after four years of terrible suffering. During that time she was confined to a wheel chair. To someone else this may have been an old woman who had lived out her days, but to me this was Mama. Mama whose hands were rough and calloused from many years of digging in the garden to feed us. Mama whose skin had developed deep wrinkles as the tropical sun beat on her brow on her many trips to the river to fetch us water. I still remember her sitting by my bed all night, as she sponged me with a wet cloth when I developed malaria. She was bread winner, nurse and teacher all rolled into one. She was our strength and a shelter in the time of life's storms.
As the sun was setting, I saw the silhouette of her wheel chair casting a strange shadow against her bedroom wall. A symbol of a life come to an end. The wheelchair that confined her body but not her spirit, for she made that wheelchair her new sphere of influence.
Her physical pain did not stop her from telling endless stories of courage and strength as her grand-children giggled around her now twisted feet. Her mouth spewed wisdom to a young generation, oblivious of what the future held. Her eyes always seemed to be looking beyond what we could see with our natural eyes. Her heart seemed to beat to a different rhythm, always hopeful no matter what life brought her way. She taught us to concentrate on the beauty of the roses and not it's thorns. To look at the rainbow and not the rain. She taught us not to complain that we had no shoes for there were those with no feet.
She was laid to rest as the African sun was setting and a cock in the distance was crowing. Her grass-thatched hut, now deserted and forlorn, a refuge for a mother-hen with seven little chicks following behind. Mama - death of a loved one!
Nellie Shani lives in California with her husband and three children. She has been writing articles for the last fifteen years. Her first book, "Stand Your Ground," should be in bookstores in July 2010
compiled by Jeremy
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7:06:00 AM
Labels: testimonies, texts
Sunday, April 18, 2010
REVO Kuantan
Alright..! Now that you've enjoyed God's presence at Revo, isn't it appropriate for you to share a testimony..?
What did you learn from the message..?
What impacted you about yourself..?
How was the night..?
Share with us..! E-mail us your testimony at the address in this blog and we'll post it up for everyone's encouragement..!
Do share alright..? Hope to hear from you..!
compiled by Jeremy
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7:08:00 AM
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Friday, April 16, 2010
Tonight tonight, it starts tonight..! The Revo Academy will begin tonight at 8.00P.M at KBC, while the Revo P.A.R.T.Y will be held tomorrow night at 7.30P.M. at the same place..! Are you ready..??
Romans 13:8 (King James Version)
"8Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law."
compiled by Jeremy
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6:13:00 AM
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Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Tree By Robert Kiser
The Tree By Robert Kiser
Years back I had rented some property out in the Applegate area in Southern Oregon to put up my teepee. I have to date lived in a teepee for seven winters. I have found it to be a cheaper way to live in the country than renting a house. Anyway I had set it up in a nice clearing in the trees across Thompson Creek and a little ways up a hill.
The first winter there it worked out pretty good. However the second winter there the creek which normally does not get very deep rose up pretty high. It was all I could do to keep from being washed down stream while wading across the creek to get to the teepee.
I went over and asked my landlord if I could fall a tree across the creek to use as a bridge. I was informed that I could not do that. Somebody there suggested that I go home and pray about it. So that is what I did. I went home and prayed for a tree to fall over.
The next day I waded across the creek changed into some dry clothes and drove to work. I continued to pray while I was at work. After work I decided to go to Bi-Mart and buy some rope. I thought perhaps maybe I could figure out a way to make a temporary rope bridge to get across the creek.
While I was at the store I had a very strong feeling that I did not need the rope and that perhaps I should just drive home and see if a tree fell over. I argued with myself thinking that was crazy. It would easily be an hour and a half drive round trip just to come back to buy the rope. So logic won out and I bought the rope and proceeded to drive home.
When I had arrived I was shocked to see that there was a large tree lying across the dirt drive where I normally parked. It looked like the butt of the tree was on the other side of the creek. I was in awe to say the least! Then I proceeded to reason with myself and thought perhaps my Landlord had changed her mind and had somebody else cut down a tree for me. I got out of my car and decided to investigate the matter. I was in awe again. A live tree about 3 feet through the center had come up by the roots and fell across the creek near where I normally crossed at.
I pondered the whole thing for a while then went back to my car. I tried to back up but the dirt drive was pretty muddy and the tires just spun. So I went forward a little bit more instead. Of course I could not go very far because the top of the tree was in the way. I then remembered that my chainsaw was at my friend's house back in town. I began to become frustrated. Now what am I going to do? I got out of my car and was looking at the top part of the tree. I had not noticed before that the tree actually had broken in several places starting at the edge of the drive and was now pieces that I could move by hand. Wow! The Lord is gracious and he thinks of everything.
My landlord also had gone to inspect the tree. Of course she knew nobody could just pull up a large tree like that by the roots. Interestingly the day it fell over there was no storm and the part that fell over the creek did not break. Later that following summer I cut up and split the top part of the tree and hauled it over to my landlord's house so she could burn it for firewood.
Ironically when my mom died I was sitting on this tree and yelling at God. I was very mad at him because I thought he should have made her live long enough to accept him. As I was yelling at him it came across in my mind so loud and clear it could not have been more clear, if I had actually heard and audible voice. What came across is: "Even if she did reject me is that a reason for you to reject me?" I was speechless and my tantrum was over!
This will always be a personal reminder to me that the Lord cares about the details in my life!
By R. Kiser
Robert Kiser is the author of 4 books and the website.
His website explains and defends the Christian Faith. It also includes a section on Cults including Mormonism and Jehovah Witnesses.
compiled by Jeremy
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11:25:00 AM
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Sunday, April 4, 2010
Around 1980 years ago,
A brave Man walked among us,
He looked like us,
But He is different.
He came for an Ultimate reason:
To die for us. All of us.
But 1980 years ago, on this day,
He rose and conquered grave and death,
And appeared before many people.
Then, He went back to heaven to prepare a better place for us.
So powerful He is,
That even a skeptic believed that He is truly the Messiah prophesied decades before He was born.
His Name......... Is Jesus Christ.
Now, He is waiting for you to come home. Yes, you. Meanwhile, He is also moving among His people and guiding us to bring more people home. If you felt a calling or a sense of belonging reading this, how about dropping by at Higher Ground or consulting us..? We'd be most glad to tell you more about His love.
Have a blessed Easter with the Lord.
compiled by Jeremy
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5:57:00 AM
Thursday, April 1, 2010
LYPG is back this coming sunday! We're really exciting to see you guys there! DO COME OKAY! GOD really loves it when He sees many of us gathering to pray!
DATE : 4 APRIL 2010
TIME : 3pm to 5pm
Passage: Will be confirmed soon!
Ehe! Come Come Come! It's gonna be fun! (=
Matthew 18:19-20 (New International Version)
19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
And very clearly it's not April's Fool!
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