Friday, March 28, 2008

YA Connected

Pertinent details as follow:

4th April 2008
Friday night 7.00pm-10.30pm (tentatively)
Christian Praise Centre
Conference about Boy-Girl Relationship by Ps. Clement Wong

5th April 2008
Saturday morning 8.30am-1.00pm (tentatively)
Christian Praise Centre
Conference about Leadership, and followed by Reaching Out To The Youths by Ps. Clement Wong

Saturday night 6.00pm-8.30pm (tentatively)
Christian Praise Centre
YA Concert themed Heart of Worship Experience
Speaker Rev.Nirhal Philips

A slight understanding about the events by Youth Alive; they're coming down to Kuantan to deliver a conference to everyone who would be interested for FREE! (of course it was subsidized after much conversation and consideration and because people usually likes things that are free...) There will be three(3) conferences in two(2) days and on the last night, there will be a concert by their God-blest-talented bunch of musicians from the YA team...(heard that some are a heartthrob XD can't wait to experience it for myself with such passionate pastors)

Here's the advertising flier

yes yes I too know it's kinda last minute of a notice, but better than later right?'s been rather quiet for some time now...looking forward to a blast of a time!!

compiled by lyme disease

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