Sunday, October 10, 2010


What do you see when you see the cross..?

I see a battle won.

I see sins being forgiven.

I see a redeeming sacrifice.

I see a future.

What do you see when you 'see' Jesus..?

I see God.

I see a winner.

I see a promise and dozens of centuries-old prophecies fulfilled.

I see a Saviour.

I see the only person who can love and sacrifice even His own life for everybody.

I see mercy, I see peace, I see grace.

And last but not least, what do you see when you see the Bible..?

I see hope.

I see God's Word.

I see lives being changed for the better.

I see joy.

I see love.

I see both the cross and Jesus.

I see promises yet to come.

I see truth.

I don't know why but something prompted me to post this. Maybe.. it was Him. :)

compiled by Jeremy

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