Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Higher Ground September `07

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I'll start with the desserts, in celebration for the September babies during HG, it was a pandan cake with moist pineapple tart on the top and it deliciously vaporizes in the mouth...

And then Mich was given the time for her slot of show & tell about her experience visiting Israel for an international combined prayer meeting (if I'm not mistaken)

"HE is not risen!", quotes Mich wrongly as she moved from one picture to the other reading the words wrongly on the picture when it was spelt "He is not dead, He is risen"...
Well I've got to agree partly to Mich because HE HAS risen...

Jazz passed the time to the band to lead the crowd into a time of Praise&Worship before the show and tell session, or was it before... *swt* (Don't worry Jazz, all is good ^_^)
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The band meddling with the instruments before making a brief sound check..from left Mike, Rufus.C, Paul on the drums and Joel.C

Image Hosted by here is Jamie leading the band with
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usJordan.C as back up vox...

Li Ann on the keyboard pitching her voice in for back up vox despite being the keyboardistImage Hosted by
and not only is his cymbals shinier than his teeth, his shirt is also..Image Hosted by

Then it was gonna be the message time...
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and I myself was scrambling for a shot as they were scrambling for a place to sit...

You're The Man, of course there are ladies as well...but it was insightful for the ladies, i mean the girls, i mean the gals as well.. - and it's not about bling-blings or how macho you are~

There are 4 traits for a guy to be The Man (as the speaker for the night, Bro.Jonathan.W says) which makes a person (guy) a man :-

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#1 Characteristics
- having a goal/purpose in life...if a person has an addiction towards something which could be negatively destructive upon oneself, the person will loose focus, loosing its goal and the ability to function in the society

#2 Principals
- having principals is like the path that we walk that leads us to our destination...if a person is of without principals, he or she stands on no ground nor have any say for him or herself which could be dangerous as we nowadays hear about people out of peer pressure starts smoking, given for example

#3 Responsibility
- being reliable...if a person has no responsibility, who would trust you? Someone with discipline to finish a task or a job if given is trustworthy; one who has discipline in life, having that responsible act to keep

#4 Confidence
- being sure about the guys are commonly the head of the household, they must have confidence in doing things, not like some indecisive people who is easily shaken if or when provoked

Not one person is born to have all these traits in them instantly, only by and through experience can one gain such traits...and these are part of the points which makes a man, The MAN

The MAN would take up the torch and lead the army into battle, and not to perish..fighting the good fight for His cause, in this context, it's not engaging a war with people for God..

The MAN isn't one who works out on his outer image, having building muscles bigger than his brains is not what makes a guy, The MAN. With the increase of metrosexual guys nowadays, they are more vain than their counterpart. Not saying metrosexual guys are abnormal or wrong don't be provoked if YOU are one.

Thus saying so, The Man is a man of leadership qualities, being able to lead and not just follow to the ends of the that, a guy isn't cold hearted, they're still full of compassion, logically they're still humans, not some robotic uber ^^

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Then they all prayed, yes they all were unitedly forming a circle...well not a perfect circle la~
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OWH and there were 3 of them accepting the Lord!
From left, Chin Lap, and next no Mich is Pit Ling and Jamie Axel!
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(sorry Chin Lap, the camera I was using couldn't tolerate any throttling movements..)

What a night! Provocative message and souls saved...this is really awesome~

compiled by lyme disease


† Higher Ground United ® © ™ † said...


Large sized picture files to load..may need to reload page twice or more... hehe

* bling * said...

Don't exaggerate claire! No cake can vaporize in one's mouth!! Don't try and make me jealous!

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