Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Sunday

I was traveling back from church and was thinking, WOW!

What a good message every Sunday was...and how it got me into thinking about how I can apply it with life and in life. Thinking still, got me to wondering, what if I skip a Sunday. What can my own mind or my own imaginations bring me to without a pastors' guidance in the Word. I mean, everyone would have this feeling in them that skipping one Sunday won't mean the end of the world, nor would it mean that they'd face the firing squad; but what if, what IF tomorrow doesn't come...wouldn't you have regrets loom in your heart and mind and soul then?

Oh sidetracked there for a moment: Well what I had in mind was, if I didn't go to church for some spiritual food, what else could I be there for? Apart from the fellowship, meeting with friends, building ties bridging friendship, or have a quality time with the other pious devotees with Him in His sanctuary, I really can't figure ...except it being a repetition, it being forced, being disciplined to go by our parents. Or could it be because out of responsibility, or out of love, or out of compassion that we go to church?...With so many possibilities and with regard to each unique individual, one may perceive a reason to go to church with a different combination as I would as I attend to have my weekly supplement not to mention building and bonding ties. got me thinking further but I guess I will spare that part of the highway for some other time or if someone asks me personally because that has ventured beyond horizons, meaning critically far away if you don't catch my metaphors.

compiled by lyme disease

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