Sunday, December 16, 2007

K.E.M.P. Application Form

This is the application form for K.E.M.P. `07

Forms available from the names as shown below:-
Questions can be directed to the names as shown below:-
Hand in the forms only to these selected few youths;
They are Gary Choi, Joshua Chin, Yong Ling, Phoebe Tan, David.R, Abelene Phua, Philip Pak, and Clement Cheam

A synopsis for the KEMP in my point of view:-

After weeks of constant meeting ups with one another (of course not only limited to the names mentioned above) and the multiple planning and coordinating with each other with every specific detail breakdown to atom-like details; rehearsed and fool proofing its programs repeatedly to avoid unplanned impromptu mishaps or should I put it as accidents, estimating to presumptions of the possibilities and working around with every probability, the K.E.M.P. is now fully prepared for publication after secretarial work is completed for approvals and all sort of paperwork. Details for the programs will be available for readers' preview as soon as I get my hands on them. In addition, the K.E.M.P.'s objective is aimed at ones' personal life, specifically their spiritual life; how one would most likely and or presumably should live in accordance to the bibles' teachings: this K.E.M.P. targets that sector of a persons' life (not intentionally wanting to breach into ones' privacy in life) but moreover to guide them with knowledge and wisdom with Basic Information Before Leaving Earth. There will be Word sessions to feed not only on the physical portion of vitamins but also the manna live and directly from invited speakers who are actually busy but purposely sparing the time for this K.E.M.P. And having Word sessions, there is also hours of quiet times for participants to do, with guidance of course for the less inclined. With so much to accomplish, the programs aren't packed to the brim from dawn to dusk leaving participants with no time to breathe, the programs have been preplanned and they will be in forms of games, games which none of you would have played before during Higher Ground's monthly sessions solely because the games prepared for this K.E.M.P. is a product of heads brainstorming and perfecting it to its best can be with a strict objective to abide with.

And that is 'my' synopsis about the upcoming K.E.M.P.

compiled by lyme disease

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