Before I'm a christian, guess who and what I was? I was an instrument of Satan! I always lied, disobey my parents, manipulating people, lustful thoughts, hate my friends and etc ( s0 much more). I thought I was great until I don't even bother about God. I didn't need His help at all last time. I even wanted to prove that God doesn't exist! I heard His name in primary school, I ignored Him. I judged my friends thinking that I'm better than them. Slowly in secondary school, I heard His name more. Still, I ignored His presence. After that, I was even invited by an old uncle asking me to go church on the street. That old uncle even wanted to offer me free tuitions! Still, I ignore God. I saw so many people wanting me to become a christian! But I wanted to prove that God doesn't exist when I'm grown up! What you guys told me, I was actually saying the opposite in my heart! Outwardly, you maybe can see me listening! But I'm not! I wanted to change the world by myself!
What can I say about me? I was once an instrument of satan....! A big instrument of the devil in process!
In bible it says," There wont be any peace or joy for me, but sorrow, jealousy and bitterness await me." I had a miserable life before I know Christ. My friends betray parents are angry at me, many friends are judging me. I was so stress and sorrowful. I just can't bear it anymore!
But thank You Jesus, You changed my life! At the lowest point of my life, I went to seek Him..and I didn't know that He's desperate for me! The moment I believed in Him, I gain life. I have the peace that no one can describe. I don't know what I was doing that time. I just feel so relaxed, resting in His presence. He gave me perfect peace and joy in me..that I wouldn't want to leave Him anymore. I never think that my family are going to go against me and what other people think about me at that moment. I just enjoyed His presence and Holy Spirit at that time. I got a heavenly peace that time. I'm sure! I just don't care about anything, and I just realised He is all I need. Nothing else.
I wonder if you guys have seen a God dying for your sins before. There is only One, and His name is Jesus. Though I did so many bad things, He still died for my make me perfect and sinless! Only Jesus can fill in the empty part of you, no one else can. Because Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. I just can't imagine how hard God punished Jesus for my sins. It must be very hard because I once lived in a sinful life. Yeah.. He died for my sins for me to gain eternal life. I didn't know that that is just the beginning! God wanted to bless me so much and He gave me perfect peace all the time! Try it! THANK YOU JESUS!
For now, I just want to be an instrument of God. I want to do God's will and I'm destined to reign by following Him! Following Jesus is following a winner!
Say it with me if you want to gain an eternal life in Heaven!
Father in Heaven,
It's enough. I'm sorry that I was once an instrument of satan. He made my life so miserable, stressfull and all kinds of nonsense in me. He made me such a rubbish and nonsense. But Thank You Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins! I believed You made me righteous in Christ! So Lord, I want to change my position now. I want to be instrument of You! I want to do God's will! Holy Spirit, fill me! In Jesus's name, Amen!
Say it and believe it. That's it. You only need one moment and here is it. You just believe in your heart and confess in your mouth that Jesus is my Lord, your lifestyle change! You are destined to reign with God! God's waiting you to meet Him in Heaven! We're waiting for your email. Do email us if you are seeking Him! Amen!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Instrument of God....!
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Friday, January 29, 2010
Is My Pastor An Oxymoron? By Michael Shoesmith
Is My Pastor An Oxymoron? I've been friends with an old-school evangelist for almost thirty years now. Recently he decided he shouldn't hang out with me because I have a, dare I say it, woman pastor. Some people might call the term "woman pastor" an oxymoron. I know my friend would. It is becoming increasingly obvious that he hasn't been much of a friend, really. He has, as I reflect on the influence he's had on my life, been quite a stumbling block in my marriage and personal walk with the Lord. So, I rejoice in my freedom and hope that the evangelist friend of mine finds like understanding. I have surpassed him in the area of Biblical comprehension (by the grace of God) and so the Lord has vindicated me with respect to the position I hold and am about to share with the rest of you. Here goes My name is Michael D. Shoesmith and I am the Internet Pastor. I have written and published five books. I own and regularly contribute to two blogs. I also own several YouTube properties including internetpastortv and educatingtheatheists. Feel free to join me at Article Source: WRITERS-MAKE A WEBSITE
By Michael Shoesmith
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28
So, there you have it. The ultimate conclusion every believer must come to. But in order to be a good Bible student, rightly dividing the word of truth, we really should dig into this a little deeper. Let's go all the way back to the beginning, because in the beginning
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:27
Notice the reference to the creation of "man" and then notice what God calls the "man": "male and female". So, we can safely conclude that God, before the fall, considered "man" (male and female) to be equal; without distinction. Again, this is before the fall. But that brings us full circle back around to Gal3:28, doesn't it? Now that we are in the New Covenant, there is a return to the original intent of the equality of the sexes, making Jesus the ultimate "women's libber". The book of Galations is the enemy of everything legalistic, including the male supremacy doctrine.
There are certain existential paradigms that just simply are. Like time, for example. When we are born we are essentially placed inside time as a kind of cage. Time is, in reference to eternity, like a bubble that personalities outside of time are able to observe. When we die, we exit the bubble and re-enter eternity, where there is no time. This is a reality that we, as human beings, all experience. It just is, like it or not.
Another reality that, well, simply is, is that husbands are the spiritual head over the wife. Not the head over every woman. He is the spiritual head of his wife; the leader in the area of spiritual growth, experience, etc. He simply is. It's not something he should aspire to or fight for. It is just one of those things. This can be good or bad for the women, as you can understand. That is why Paul said this
1 Corinthians 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.
16 For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife?
Notice that the sactification comes from either the faith of the believing husband or wife. There is no distinction. God allows for the covenant to end if the unbelieving spouse leaves as a form of mercy on the other, and especially for women because of this reality
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
1 Corinthians 11:3
Notice that there's no beating around the bush here. Paul uses strong language. He says it simply "IS". Period. This, however, is strictly a spiritual reality alone. It does not relate to household authority or authority in the assembly or any other temporal authority including the five-fold ministry. If you read Proverbs 31 you will realize that the household is the responsibility of the woman and not the man. It, the Bible says, is "her household". We also know that it is a spiritual reality, or line of headship in the spirit realm, from the next verses where it gives us the context of prayer, solidifying the doctrinal stance opposing the notion that this reference backs up those who hold the macro male supremacy doctrine.
So, there are a few Biblical references that are used to back up the controlling, male oriented social clubs out there. Here's one
1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
There are three words every Bible teacher must know in order to have a proper grasp of scripture. Those words are "context, context, context". One of the aspects of context is culture. Let's face it. If you don't understand the Bible culturally then you simply don't understand the Bible. Timothy was the pastor to the church in Ephesus. It was an enormous assembly. Jesus had liberated women and made them equal under God in the kingdom. It was mayhem in the church. Women who were not permitted to worship with men were suddenly allowed into the same room to experience the glory. Order was established in verse 13 with reference to the order of the creation of "man"; Adam first, then Eve.
One of the rules of Bible study is to never use outside sources to interpret scripture. The Bible is an inspired, supernatural text. It is unique and therefore there are no other writings capable of interpreting it. Always use scripture to interpret scripture. Bible study guides can be helpful to explain the various interpretations but should never be used to interpret. So, we must be careful to never contradict a verse of scripture by inserting opinions gathered by outside reason. When the Bible says, "there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus", we should not accept any contradiction what so ever. When Paul was admonishing Timothy about the role of men and women it was the culturally acceptable way to produce order until the Holy Spirit brought about the physical manifestation of the spiritual reality; that men and women are equal in the kingdom. Any other interpretation makes the Bible out to be contradictory and subject to scorn and ridicule.
Verse 15 of 1Tim2 explains the progressive nature of the chapter. Have you ever really heard a satisfactory explanation of the childbirth reference in that verse? Well, it simply means that as the various generations came forth out of the women (men with wombs), the Holy Spirit brought about the manifestation of the equality between the sexes to the point we are at today. The Holy Spirit is now ordaining women to be members of the five-fold ministry including the office of pastor. Now, we are truly witnessing the fulfilment of Joels prophecy wherein he states that God will pour out His Spirit upon "all flesh".
There are numerous examples in the Old Testament where a woman broke through the curse. From Deborah (Judges 4:4) back to Rahab (Joshua 2) . Now that we have a new and better covenant and the curse has been dealt with we should not say to women, "thou art cursed" but rather "thou art loosed". It was part of the curse of the fall that women were made subject to men. Jesus took that and every curse on the cross.
To forbid a woman to pastor is to say that the freedom purchased on the cross to redeem us from the curse only applies to men. The truth is it only applies to "man" which includes both genders. Taking the Bible out of context and using it to keep one gender in bondage to the curse of the law is an abomination. Another rule governing Bible study is that it must always be conducted from a platform of freedom. Not bondage.
Bible teachers, according to scripture, will be subject to greater accountability in the eternal sense. It is unclear what the outcome will be of that accountability but I don't think I want to be on the negative side of righteousness for the things I have taught the thousands of people reading my books and articles. I especially don't want to be guilty of undermining the freedom purchased on the cross. How about you? Would you tell Joyce Meyer or Gloria Copeland or Mary Jane Story or Bonnie Shoesmith or Patricia King to be keep quiet because of their gender? That's pretty risky, friend. Especially when you're so wrong. Embrace freedom. Embrace the cross. Embrace Christ.
compiled by Jeremy
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Labels: technology, testimonies, texts
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
2010 January LYPG
LYPG is back..! Check check..!
Date: 31st January 2010
Time: 3.ooP.M - 4.30P.M.
Venue: Kuantan Presbyterian Center (KPC)
Prepare yourselves for a time of prayer. God bless..!
compiled by Jeremy
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Monday, January 25, 2010
January's Higherground 2010
No doubt...! Bro. Ravi did a great job spreading God's love in this Higherground session! Let me share with you about some revelations he got from our Father in Heaven. The title of the message is "Stepping Into God's Favour Zone".
John 13:34-35 (New International Version)
34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Some might ask..should I love that bad guy? He did so many sinful things, how to love him?
The world says, "Love only those who are good are to you."
But Father says,"Love all the sinners, but hate the sin."
Let me share about this illustration God gave bro. Ravi about His perfect love.
You love your friend very much. One day, your friend get cancer inside him. You still love him very much but hate the cancer inside him, because the cancer is destroying everything lovely, beautiful and whole about that person. Even though the cancer is inside your friend, you still love your friend. It's the same like God's love towards you but got to hate the sin(cancer) inside you, because it's destroying you like the cancer!
"Christianity is a life that you affect everything in your surrounding."
"When your praise and worship go up, God's blessings come down!"
"God wants you to reign and you are destined to reign."
"Devil always want to reign over your life, he doesn't want you reign above him."
Jesus was rejected, so that you can be accepted.
Jesus was punished, so that you can be justified.
Jesus died young, so that you can live long.
Jesus came to earth to die, so that you live an eternal life.
Jesus was poor, so that you become rich!
Jesus paid the price - Amen!
Guys, let's receive what Jesus did for us! All the blessings that Jesus deserve come on you!
God cannot be angry at you because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross for you! Jesus said," It is finished!"
"You don't have to try to change yourself, because God's love in you is going to transform you from the inside out!"
"God created man last (on the sixth day) so that man can enjoy whatever God created in the first 5 days. Amazing, isn't? "
"What did man do on the second day? The seventh day, God rested and we too. God created us on the sixth day and let us rest on the seventh day to enjoy all His blessings."
Amazing, isn't it? God is great! He will never leave you nor forsake you. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,today and tomorrow!
Ready to accept Christ? I promise you great things will happen to you once you accept Christ. I believe in Jesus Christ. Email us at ! Believe me, God can change you from the inside out! You will find out the truth of the life!
Father in Heaven, I pray that more souls will be added to Your kingdom. I ask for Jesus blood for Higherground! Holy Spirit touch them! I thank You for bro. Ravi for the message. We surrender ourselves to Holy Spirit, so please take more of us. In Jesus's name, Amen!
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Saturday, January 23, 2010
Covenant with God..woah!
Firstly, what is meant by covenant? A covenant is a permanent, eternal and perpetual contract. When you make a covenant with someone, it means you are willing to protect and provide for each other. Whatever belongs to you is your partner’s and whatever belongs to your partner is yours! Today, we can have a covenant with God,....if you want!
Let's make an illustration ^ ^. Let's say you have a covenant with Albert Einstein. You go school together with him everyday..and you're going to benefit more! Why..? Because he might invent teleport machine or super-speedy car for you. Whatever he has, he has to share with you. In physics tuition, he has to teach you everything again. Actually, we didn't know if he's going to have a covenant like that with us..
What I'm trying to say is that, obviously the weaker, lesser and poorer party is going to get all the benefits. We have nothing to offer God. But God, the richest and most powerful being in the universe, has everything to offer us!!!!! We have a covenant with God, the wisest Man in the whole universe! What is His, is ours! woah! Believe it and it's yours!
What else? We don't need to do anything in order to have a covenant with Him! Jesus did all the things for us! The only thing you need to do is, believing in Jesus Christ that He died for all your sins on the cross and made you righteous in Christ. You must admit that you are a sinner that you need Jesus Christ to save you. That's it, you have a covenant with God if you do so!
We are borned sinners. We sin because we are sinners. We have all sinned and fall short glory of God. Who dares to say he/she never sin before? God says all our sins must be punished because He can't stand imperfection. The wage of sin is death. God is fair, and He must keep His words. All our sins are punished in the body of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago! Jesus Christ has made us righteous by dying for our sins and paying the penalty of sin, death!
Holy Spirit is going to help you in everything you do! Obey Him, and the fruit of Holy Spirit will be seen on you! You will always have love, joy, peace etc etc on you!
Galatians 5:22-23 (New International Version)
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
John 3:16 (New International Version)
16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,a]">[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Romans 10:9 (New International Version)
9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 3:23-24 (New International Version)
23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
For those who are ready to meet Jesus, says this! You are just one moment away from being saved!
Note: You seriously didn't visit this website just by coincidence. God REALLY wants you to be saved and have a eternal life, dynamic fellowship with Him. Think about your life. We can help you to grow spiritually! Contact us! Do come this month HigherGround you want to meet us! It's just 1 hour away! Think twice, what is your life about?
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Well, we have Father ( God ), Jesus Christ ( Son ) and Holy Spirit as our God. I actually wondered if anyone of you addressed our God, as Allah? You see, am I saying that we shouldn't call our God as Allah by asking that question? Do not misquote me. ( sorry, I always got misquoted). Allah is the translation for God in Arab?
I remember Joel Chew explained this Allah issue quite well in the Christian Fellowship. For those who ONLY understand Malay/Arab, how are they going to address our Father if they can't use the word "Allah" for God? You got what I mean?
Me ( Christian ) : Worship our God!
Arab ( Christian) : Sembah Allah kita!
This makes sense, right? All thanks to Joel Chew ^^
Well, I heard this testimony from my church. They are many Christians being fearful now. Wait a sec, why do we need to be fearful? We have angels around protecting us. Well, am I saying that you can go around making noise because there are angels protecting you? NO, I DO NOT MEAN THAT. Pray in everything you do, until you get the peace. Just carry out your normal life as usual.
Many people are asking how to solve this matter? In my opinion, the first and most important thing to do is by prayers. It is the wisest thing to do, because we are asking the wisest Man to solve this issue. Furthermore, to solve this issue is not our business, but His business. The battle is His, not ours. WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? I will say.. "Jesus will call his Father to solve the problem."
2 Chronicles 20:15 (New International Version)
15 He said: "Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.
In many other countries, some Christians are actually using Allah for God and they don't face any problems.
Ok. I do not always call God as Allah or God but I addressed Him as my Father. Why? Let me give you some illustrations. You got a father in your family, called Amos Lee. Your father always feed you and give you all the things you want. He loves you so much that he is willing to do anything just for you. When you see him, do you call Amos Lee? or you call him Father? Do you even dare to call his full name? You got what i mean? haha. In the bible, Jesus addressed His Father as Abba.
1 Timothy 2:1-2 (New International Version)
1 Timothy 2
Instructions on Worship
1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.James 5:13 (New International Version)
The Prayer of Faith
13Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.Guys, c'mon. Just pray and watch Him do all the miracles. The manifestation is not our job, our job is to believe. Pray all the time and be patient. ^^
Father in Heaven, I pray that this Allah issue will be solved. I command Jesus's blood to fall on this issue. For in Jesus's name, all knees must bow. All problems must bow and get out now. Father, I know you are already doing something for us. Please make sure that we are not blocking your ways. In Jesus's name, AMEN!
Note: You did not visit this web for coincidence. I believe God has something for you. God wants you to be saved and have a dynamic fellowship with Him. He is willing to do anything for you to get saved, even sending His Son Lord Jesus Christ to die for you, that you may be perfect. Do cotact us Higherground with you want to know about God.
For more info, visit
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Authentically Experiencing God By Peter Craft
Authentically Experiencing God Your spirit soars with the music and you hear your voice, rich with commitment, join the rest in Godly song. You just know that His Spirit has bought life into His church. The communion with God is palpable. He has touched you and everyone else. Yet, just a few rows back is another Christian who thinks that you really don't know God, haven't been touched by Him, because you are too reserved and don't seem spirit filled enough! So have you had an authentic experience of God or not? I have been married to Alison for 20 years and have five children. We live in a small rural town where I teach science. We worship in the local baptist church where I am an elder. Article Source: WRITERS-MAKE A WEBSITE
By Peter Craft
Strangely, an answer to this question may well be discovered in butterflies. Have you ever walked through a butterfly enclosure? Initially there doesn't seem to be much to see. With time, however, you learn to look and slowly a multitude of beautiful, colourful forms start to emerge. With every glance more and more of these beautiful and delicate creatures become evident. It is breathtaking to take in the variety and colour of the insects dancing around the flowers and hovering in the sky. Still this is only a small sample of the 15 000 different species of butterfly that inhabit our world.
Why are there so many different types? Such abundance tells us something about our great God. He never does anything by half; He always provides a full measure. So when He created butterflies there can be no doubt that He delighted in all the beautiful forms He created. It seems God loves variety. Consider how many different types of flowers, trees and fish there are. This love also seems to carry over to us. Not only has God created an amazing variety of humans but He delights to relate to us in a wide variety of ways.
Think about the ways that God chose to reveal Himself to people in the bible. Isaiah walked into the temple expecting to meet with God and was stunned when God was actually there. The holiness of God was so overwhelming that all Isaiah could say was "Woe to me!...I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.". A discouraged Elijah, after being fed and watered by the ravens was told to wait so that God could speak to him. It wasn't in the storm or the earthquake that God spoke, but in a quiet little voice. And while Jacob wrestled with God, Joseph had visions in dreams. In a strange passage we read that Paul was taken to the seventh heaven some time after Jesus literally spoke to him on the road to Damascus. Yet we are also told that God spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to a friend. And what about King David, who full of the Spirit, danced before the Lord with all his might as the ark was bought into Jerusalem? His worship was so vigorous that he ended up dancing naked through the streets of his capital, provoking the following response from his wife; "Michal daughter of Saul came out to meet him and said, "How the king of Israel has distinguished himself today, disrobing in the sight of the slave girls of his servants as any vulgar fellow would!" God met with all these people and others in ways that were appropriate for them.
Which brings us back to our original question; what is an authentic experience of God. Is there any one way to know God that is more authentic than any other? Firstly, it is important to realise that any authentic meeting with God is transforming. Meeting God changes lives. Corinthians gives some idea of this when Paul writes "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." Unsurprisingly meeting with the one and only Lord of the Universe changes people. However, it seems evident that God is content to meet us in different ways at different times. He knows our needs and our characters. After all, He created us and oversees our lives in all their variety. For some people a quiet voice is needed while others need the chorus of angels. There is no one right way to meet and know God, there is only one true God to meet and know!
That sets a challenge for us. We cannot assume that out preferred way of knowing God is the only way to know Him. Nor can anyone else assume that the way that God speaks to us is inferior either. God will relate to us as He pleases. We need to be able to celebrate diversity in our worship while maintaining the unity of God's spirit. That is a real challenge for us as well as for the world wide church of God.
(c) Peter Craft This article may be freely reproduced without alterations.
compiled by Jeremy
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Labels: technology, testimonies, texts
Thursday, January 14, 2010
It's Time.
It's Time... Gen 4:26 "...At that time, men began calling on the name of the Lord." Bill Baldwin is an author, speaker, and pastor. He resides with his wife, Karen, daughter, Karly, and two dogs, Rosie and Gracie, near Charlotte, North Carolina. Visit Article Source: WRITERS-MAKE A WEBSITE
By William Baldwin
Outside my office hangs a clock on the wall that's been slow for weeks, maybe months now, but who's counting? Before yesterday, the last time I noticed, it was about ten minutes slow. For a while (weeks or months) its sluggishness didn't bother me. Yesterday, I recognized that it had now lost three hours. Suddenly, like a lightning bolt, "bother" struck me. I walked back to my office, poked around in my desk, found two AA batteries, and fixed it.
It took three minutes. Three, sixty second segments to recover three hours!
It's 12 months, 365 days, 8,760 hours later than this time last year.
Welcome to 2010.
What did you do with your time in 2009?
It's funny, the things we say about time. We declare that time can be lost, wasted, spent, and of all things, fly. Some of us talk about killing time. But I think it's really as Dion Boucicault says, "time quietly passes and kills us."
The first chapters in the book of Genesis are mysterious. Historians find it difficult to pinpoint time in the first chapters of the Bible. We can't date or figure out exactly when or how much time passed in the events from creation and throughout Adam and Eve's family lineage. Adam, himself, lived 930 years. Adam's youngest son lived 912 years, and farther down the line, Noah had his sons after he was 500 years old. A young, strapping dad, he was!
The history of beginnings reveals a troubled lot. But it was times of trouble that changed people and turned them back to their Creator. Adam and Eve's great fall, then their son, Cain, murdering his brother, Able, marked turning points in history. Trouble initiated something they, obviously, had not done in years. After so much trouble, they began to seek the Lord.
After all the mess-ups and foul-ups, the writer takes notice, "At that time," the time of one failure after another, the time of trouble, "men began calling on the name of the Lord."
We step into this year, wiping sweat from our brow, barely escaping a death blow to the world economy. With job losses, some people suffered a fatal blow to their personal finances, losing houses, cars, and credit ratings. Others suffered more personal and tragic loses last year. Deaths, divorces, broken relationships and shattered dreams abounded.
What now?
What happens now isyou get a mulligan, a do-over. Here's the question: What will we do with our do-over? Hopefully, we'll learn from our ancestors, and after all our trouble, we, too, will "begin to call on the name of the Lord."
It's noteworthy that after men began to seek the Lord, He called Noah to build an ark of salvation for his family to escape the coming rain storm. Prayer didn't stop the storm, but created a way through it for those who would listen to Noah's warnings. Sadly, not all listened, most didn't in fact. Only Noah's family was saved.
It's 2010 already! Don't you think it's time? With everything we've been through and all the battles we fought last year, isn't it time we begin to seek the Lord?
A new set of AA's will not recover the time we've lost, but the Lord is offering grace for us to start over today. This is a New Year, a new day. If you will begin to seek the Lord you will discover, over time, that God will make a way where there was no way. Prayer doesn't always stop the coming storms, but it does make a way through them.
In the history of humankind, the days we live in are like none of the others before us. Indeed, this is a different day. This is not a time to attempt to journey into the future without a relationship with the only One who knows what lies ahead.
It's 2010and it's time.
It's time to begin calling on the name of the Lord.
compiled by Jeremy
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Labels: technology, testimonies, texts
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
2009 Christmas HG Session Recap..!
I hope this update is not too late. Sorry for the delays..
To all of you who attended it on the 26th of December, did you enjoy the session..? We hope you do. X)
To all of you who did not attend the session... Well.. Here're some snapshots for you to view. Hope to see you guys around next time. =)
compiled by Jeremy
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Labels: events, HG Sessions, illustration, images and videos, texts
Saturday, January 9, 2010
2010 January Higher Ground Session..!
The Higher Ground United Committee presents the very first Higher Ground session of 2010..! Check out the details as below:
Date: 23rd of January 2010
Time: 7.30P.M.
Venue: Grace Charismatic Center (GCC)
Get ready for an evening made spiritually beneficial..! We have Ravi as the speaker of the night, Amos as the emcee, Esther conducting an ice-breaker segment and Joel to lead us in a worship session. I don't see why you would wanna miss out this session.. =p
So mark your calendars and set your phone reminders..! See you real soon and God loves you..!
compiled by Jeremy
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Friday, January 8, 2010
I thank You Jesus for this testimony. From someone.
Are you self-righteous or righteous in Christ?
Hmm.. I felt that I have served our Lord well. I did many good things. Whenever I sin, I asked for forgiveness and thank You Jesus for dying on the cross to save sinners like me. I was thinking that our Lord is very happy with me as I'm obeying Him.
So one day, I was sharing the Gospel of Christ to my friend in MSN. I boasted my works to God by telling him that I shared the Gospel very frequently. I think Satan noticed this that I began to obtain righteousness by myself and the good works I did. My friend sent a link(virus) to me. Although I began to be self-righteous, Holy Spirit still asked me not to click it and download it! See the love of our Lord!
Holy Spirit:" Don't download it. It's a virus!"
Me (self righteous):" I'm sharing the gospel la! I'm doing good things la! God sure help me!
Holy Spirit:"Really, don't download it!
Me : (click and downloaded it) for no reason.
So I downloaded the virus. How foolish I am? So I began to ask God why I got the virus. It's because of self righteousness! I think God will protect me because of the good things I did. I forgot it's Jesus Christ who gave me the protection! My good deeds can never give me protection, healing and prosperity! Jesus came to die for sinners to make us perfect and sinless! God blessed me abundantly not because of the good things I did, but because of His son Jesus Christ who died on the cross! Not because you do a lot of good things that please God, it's because of the faith you have that pleased God! It is impossible to please God without faith. Don't try to earn your salvation by good deeds! If you can earn your salvation by doing good, Jesus does not need to die for us! Only by believing in Jesus Christ, we are saved and have eternal life. If God loves us because of our good deeds, then everyone will be boasting their works!
Isaiah 64:6 (New International Version)
6 All of us have become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf,
and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
When we do something good, we're proud of what we've done, BUT most noble works are like "dirty rags" when it comes to earning us a place in heaven--they're useless and good for nothing. They're certainly not enough to bring us into a right relationship with God--for that, we need Christ.
Father in Heaven, I thank You for this lesson. I felt into the trap of being self-righteous yet you restored me gently. I pray that these readers will know You and believe in Jesus Christ who died for our sins to make us perfect. I'm righteous because of Jesus Christ, not because of my righteous acts. Thankful Father for making me righteous in Christ. In Jesus's name, AMEN!
Note: You did not visit this website by coincidence. God wants you to be saved and know more about Him! He is desperate for your attention! For more info, visit this link.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Have Fun with Words!
1. Blessed or Luck?
Guess ya'all know that Satan's name is Lucifer. Noticed the first 3 letters of Luck? IT'S THE SAME WITH LUCIFER. Well, shall we say that we shouldn't use words like lucrative, lucid or lucerne, for the reason that the first 3 letters are same with Lucifer? Certainly NOT! What I mean is, when someone greets you "good luck", and after something good happened.. they didn't know it's actually our Lord's blessing! There's is nothing called Luck in Christianity, we are actually blessed! The reason the word "Luck" created by Lucifer is to confuse us that God exists! that God bless us^^ that God is our everything!
Can you find a verse that tells us about Luck? In Bible, we use blessed, indicating that it's God's blessing! Blessed are those who know they are blessed! For they will be thankful and always give thanks to Holy Spirit! So guys, start using the word "blessed" instead of "luck"!
2. Merry Christmas or Merry Xmas?
This is quite funny. Why people make it to Merry Xmas instead of Merry Christmas? Because of lesser letters? Well, maybe part of it, but I think this is another Satan's tactic. Our Lord Jesus Christ..already became "x"?! Don't you guys think it is because Satan don't want to let other non-believers know about our Lord? Haha. But "x" means cross too. but Christ!
3. The letter "t". Immoral and Immortal.
What do you think about "t"? Tea, Taxi or Tee? Well i think "t" as CROSS. That Jesus died on the cross for our sins to make us righteous! Righteousness doesn't mean right-doing, but right-believing which leads to right-being. God can't stand imperfection of human, only by believing what Jesus did on the cross can save us and gain eternal life.
Note the difference between immoral and immortal. The only difference is the letter "t"! which means the cross! That we are so blessed that immoral people like us, gain immortal life because of the cross! The t(cross) gave us eternal life just by believing what Jesus did for you! How amazing our God is! All you need is believe the "t", The Cross!
New International Version (©1984)
Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved
New International Version (©1984)
Acts 16:31 They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."
Note: You did not come here by coincidence. I believe that God wants you to be saved! For more info, visit this link!
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