The Ryder Truck By Pam Ford Davis
Rental trucks and vans have often been in the headlines because of their connections to terrorism. The bomber of The Oklahoma City Federal Building used a rental truck to carry his explosives. The devastated city will never be the same. As a result we may forget the main purpose of the trucks .
Rental trucks are a helpful way to move across town or even with long distance moving. For people on a tight budget they are a necessity. Our family used them many times and seeing the large numbers driving on interstates it is easy to see their popularity. The companies also have many extras such as packing boxes and blankets to cushion the load. Every effort is made to make your relocation run smoothly.
In the early 1970's we were planning a move to Louisiana from Toledo, Ohio. We rented a large Ryder truck and also a tow bar to haul our compact car behind us. My husband and I along with our two young children easily fit into the spacious cab of the truck.
It did not take long to perceive that the truck was having problems. By the time we reached the Cincinnati area it was obvious something was seriously wrong. It was lunch time and we had sandwiches and snacks ready. We decided to just pull off the road and take a break to eat. Maybe the truck would run better after it had cooled off.
As we normally do we had a simple prayer before we ate, and asked for The Lords' help with our problem. Before we had time to finish our meal a man approached our truck. He was asking about our trouble; and any assistance when you break down is greatly appreciated.
This was more than a considerate stranger; he was a top executive with The Ryder truck company! He would make arrangements to have us towed directly to the Ryder repair shop. The problems were solved and we continued on our journey.
Answers to fervent prayer are times of great rejoicing. Our Ryder experience proved that God also hears our simple prayers. He loves to meet the needs of His children.
I am a wife of over 40 years, mother and proud granny. I was born in N.Y. State, currently reside in central AL. With a past career in Radio announcing our family lived across the nation, later worked in the child care ministry. Now, I am living the dream of writing. All things are possible!
compiled by Jeremy
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Ryder Truck By Pam Ford Davis
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Saturday, March 27, 2010
REVO Kuantan Details..!!
16 April 2010 (Friday)
Time: 8.00pm-10.00pm
Venue: Kuantan Baptist Church
17 April 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 7.30pm-10.00pm
Venue: Kuantan Baptist Church
Contact: Elder Eng Jee Fong (zero one two-2971113)
Powered By: Kuantan Pastors' Fellowship
Managed By: AYA
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010
March Higher Ground 2010
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6:36:00 PM
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Saturday, March 20, 2010
God Knows..!
Have you ever experienced this;
You are about to buy something.
That something has a variety of choices.
You liked 1 of the variety, but it exceeds your budget.
Then you "SMS" God for His guidance at that very moment, "Lord, which one would You like me to have, this one or.. that one..?"
You did not His reply yet, so you continue looking at the other available choices.
And.. voila..!
You found the one that suits your taste..! And guess what, the price is just nice as well, not exceeding your budget.
Then you happily purchased it and bring it home, feeling blessed.
At home,
as you're reading that something you bought,
A thought suddenly came in,
"Suits my taste and does not exceed my budget. I'm so blessed."
Then another thought came in.
"God knows everything that you need, for He is the Provider."
What I'm trying to point out here is, no matter what we need or what we're facing, God knows, God leads and God provides. Yes, he truly does..! I'm sure you must have experienced this kind of incident too, right..?
I hope this short so-called testimony of mine clearly shows that God is our beeeeeest friend.. owh, and shopping partner as well. May the Lord continue to guide all of us throughout our daily lives. =D
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
2010 March Higher Ground Session
Okay, first of all, we'd like to apologize to all of you for informing so late about the details for this month's HG. Check the details as below:
Date: 27th March 2010
Time: 7.30P.M.
Venue: Kuantan Baptist Church (KBC)
See you there.
compiled by Jeremy
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9:04:00 PM
Labels: events, HG Sessions, texts
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Read this... Do you agree?
In the feeding of the 5,000, it took only five loaves to feed the multitude. (Matthew 14:15–21)
But in the feeding of the smaller multitude of 4,000, it took seven loaves. (Matthew 15:32–38)
When He needs to feed 5000, He only used 5 loaves, but needs 7 loaves to feed 4000!??!?!?!?
Don't you think it's weird? Why is weird? Maybe He wants to tell us something?
The answer is here!
Romans 5:20 (King James Version)
20Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:
Don't worry if your problem(sin) is big! There will be more grace needed to overcome it! All you need to do is believe! Have faith in God's words!
So in what area of life you are having a lot of problems now? It can be solved easily by God. Don't worry, TRUST IN THE LORD! HE WILL SOLVE IT AND MAKE A WAY FOR YOU!
Romans 6:1-2 (King James Version)
Romans 6
1What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
2God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
Don't be foolish. How can you who died to sinful nature, still live in a sinful life? You have to live a Spirit-led life, so you can't sin more to obtain more grace! But whenever problems come to you, don't worry. There will be much more grace given to overcome your problem! Just trust in the Lord!
So now you knew this, then exercise and practice it in your real life! Don't just listen to it and not doing it! You need to have faith in God's words! He can't lie!
OK about last LYPG, =J= already posted his testimony here, and Esther Lim on her own blog. Do visit her blog if you want to know what happened last LYPG. There were 12 youths in our last LYPG and it was superbly great for me. I had a very very very very nice time in our prayer group! There are 4 who received gift of tongues there! Praise God!
So is there LYPG this sunday? Guess you'll have to ask our LYPG leaders ( Jasmine Tai, Joyce Ang, and Esther Lim) hahaha!
Say this and believe! haha!
Father in Heaven,
Thank You thank You thank You! You saved me from hell and now though my world may fall, I'll never let you go! You've taken me from the miry clay, You've set my feet upon the rock and now I know! I thank You! I pray that everyone will be blessed whenever they visit this blog haha! I pray for more and more souls to Your kingdom! Peace and Grace to those who are reading this! Love you! I invite Jesus Christ to my heart all the time, and He is my Lord! I believe He died for my sins and rose up on the third day by the Holy Spirit! Thank You Abba! Love you! In Jesus's name, amen!
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12:44:00 PM
Monday, March 15, 2010
I Did Not Pray In That Nanosecond By Sherrie Coronas
I Did Not Pray In That Nanosecond By Sherrie Coronas
I saw the back of the blue 4x4 truck lift slightly as its breaks were suddenly called into action by some unexpected circumstance. I pressed down on my clutch and break pedals with every ounce of strength I could muster. I believed the effort would be successful. Soon, however, it became clear that impact was inevitable. I remember uttering, "Oh no, oh no," as the truck's tailgate and glaring red brake lights drew closer and closer. "Why is the car not stopping?" I screamed in my mind. Out of the side of my eye I saw my 15-year-old son brace himself in the front passenger seat. Then with nothing left to do, I closed my eyes and got ready to slam hard into the back of that truck.
My mind and body prepared for what would come next -- pain. But there was no pain, no jerking forward, no glass flying through the air, no air bag punch in the face. Instead, there was softness, like feathers in a pillow that swallowed up my whole body. I didn't feel an impact and figured we must have somehow stopped before we hit the truck. "It must be God's divine intervention," I thought. With my heart pounding, I opened my eyes to look at my son, Ian. I have never been as relieved as I was to see him sitting there unscathed, looking absolutely, perfectly intact. He was looking directly at me as well. Praise God! Then I redirected my eyes toward the front of the car to see how close we came to a collision.
That's when I first comprehended the miracle. You see, the hood of my car was smashed nearly to the windshield, folded neatly into the air to make a tent over the engine. The tailgate of the truck was in my engine about half way back. The truck had literally fastened itself to the engine of my car. Parts of my car were scattered here and there on the road. It looked really bad from where we sat. By the look on the faces of those in the cars around us, I knew it looked even worse from out there.
"I screwed up, Ian, I'm so sorry...are you ok?" I asked slowly. "Yes," he calmly replied. "Are you sure?" I asked again. He was sure. "Ian, did you feel the crash?" I asked. "Na-a," he replied. "Me neither," I said. "It's really strange but it felt soft to me, like an Angel was on my lap," I explained. "Me, too," he answered with nonchalant belief. That was the moment we recognized the Angelic protection that had swooped into our very car. Two angels wedged themselves between our fragile bodies and the hard dashboard and windshield to create the most perfect protective cushion.
Staring at each other in total relief and belief, we began to pray. First, to thank God for his amazing protection, then for the safety of the people in the truck we hit (they were fine!) and finally for His continuing protection as we sat in the middle of three lanes of heavy morning rush-hour traffic. I picked up my cell phone and called 9-1-1.
The next day, we did not suffer from a single ache or pain. No whiplash, no headache. A week later the insurance company declared my car a total loss and soon after came a check in the amount they determined to be fair and reasonable for my mangled vehicle.
Looking back on the sequence of events, I once wondered if God was disappointed that I did not call out to Him before we hit the truck. You see, I didn't pray in that nanosecond but He sent His Angels to protect us anyway. After some reflection, I now believe that I didn't have to pray at that moment because God already had his loving eyes on us. He had heard our daily prayers for protection for many years and those prayers never expired. They were safely deposited with the ultimate insurance provider of the universe and the comprehensive coverage was already paid in full by Jesus Christ. As we continue to face all the world has to offer, we are forever grateful that our insurance policy remains in effect each and every day because the end of our time on earth may also come in a nanosecond.
Sherrie is a believer in Jesus Christ, a website writer for her church, a wife of 25 years and a mother of two wonderful sons. She resides with her family on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, where she was born and raised.
compiled by Jeremy
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9:24:00 AM
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Sunday, March 14, 2010
LYPG Testimony
So today I went for the March 2010 LYPG, not expecting much to happen.
But guess what, it's the best session I ever had so far.
We began with an ice-breaking segment and then moved on to worship. Songs were great, really.
The sharing time- We discussed on Jeremiah 5 and the messages in it. Truly, God had revealed to us His knowledge.
Then we split into 3 prayer groups. Each of us listed out our prayer items and requests. Everything is wonderful. Can truly feel God's presence and His Spirit with us. We prayed on many many things.
Just before the gathering ends, somehow some of us asked for the gift of tongue. And guess what..? We got it.
Actually I asked for it sometime ago, but I wasn't sure if I've already got it. But now I can truly say that I have it (just need to use it more often).
To conclude, I just wanna say that this LYPG really made an impact to me, and God proved to me that sometimes when we don't expect much from something, the exact opposite will happen. I hope this testimony will somehow in someway inspire you too. Praise the Lord..!
P.S: It'd be awesome to see y'all in the next LYPG. =D
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8:24:00 PM
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Friday, March 12, 2010
One of my favourite verses
Romans 8:28 (New International Version)
More Than Conquerors
28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,a]">[a] whob]">[b] have been called according to his purpose.I really love this la. All things work for the good! All things certainly included good/bad things! Bad things in the end will be used for good!
"If it is bad in the end, then that's not the end!" The end will be good! XD XD XD XD XD
But...that verse is only for christians! hoho!
Father in Heaven,
I believe in your words, not my situation or myself. You said that all things are going to work for the good..and I believe it. My belief will become reality. Jesus says, "It is finished." So it is finished! Thank You! I love you. Salvation for those who are reading this blog. LYPG this sunday is gonna be great, and there will be souls to be saved! In Jesus's name, Amen!
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12:40:00 AM
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
March 2nd LYPG 2010
Ehehehe! Great news! There will be another LYPG this coming sunday! We're really exciting to see you guys there!
DATE : 14 MARCH 2010
VENUE : Kuantan Presbyterian Center (KPC) )
TIME : 3pm to 5pm
Passage: Jeremiah 5
We will spend some time for Jeremiah 5!
Ready guys! Esther Lim, our new LYPG leader, can't wait to see you guys there! We have 3 LYPG leaders now! Ehe! Come Come Come! It's gonna be fun! (=
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6:40:00 PM
Monday, March 8, 2010
March LYPG 2010
So we had our Local Youth Prayer Gathering (LYPG) at KPC yesterday from 3pm to 5pm! Seriously, 1 hour 30 minutes are too short for us! I think we're gonna make it to 2 hours or more in our next LYPG! Do come k!
So I went there at 3pm sharp. My 3 friends were standing outside there, i guess they don't know how to go in..or something. As we entered, we can feel that our worship leader, Esther Lim, is doing very well there! We had a great worship session, thanks to Holy Spirit for leading our leader, Esther Lim! All glory to Him! She said she is filled by the Spirit though! (= breaking is okay. We just played it for a while(5 minutes?) and introduced each other.
Then we have pastor George sharing God's words! He shared a lot of his revelations and is very encouraged to attend LYPG! He talked about Matthew 6:5~15!
After that, each of us shared our testimonies and then we prayed and intereceded for everyone and many more! It was very interesting yea!
Though there are only 10 of us, but we were very happy already! Our LYPG leaders, Joyce Ang and Esther Lim, are very encouraged by this LYPG! I believe we're going to have our next LYPG this coming sunday! Stay tuned! Hahaha!
Let's keep our fire burning for Jesus! For that to happen, we need more and more prayers and Holy Spirit!
Zechariah 4:6 (New International Version)
6 So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.
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12:30:00 AM
Friday, March 5, 2010
I'm accepted...because You were forsaken...
OK...Let's see.
When you pray for something to happen, and it did not. Then you began to doubt, asking why. But God says:
2 Corinthians 1:20 (New International Version)
20For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.
Mark 11:24 (New International Version)
24Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
1 John 5:14 (New International Version)
14This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
Ok, so when we are praying according to God's will, and it did not happen immediately. Then you began to establish doubt! That's the time Devil enter and tell you "You see your prayer is not answered."
And then you believed in devil, therefore your prayer is not answered.
But Jesus says that if you believe that you have received it, it will be yours!
You need to know this... that God answers your prayers in His Perfect timing, not yours!
When you don't see immediate answer to your prayer, you doubt that's why you never receive it.
Have faith and be patient, your prayer is already answered, just wait for His perfect timing to be manifested on this world!
So since you know your prayer is already answered, just waiting for its manifestation on this physical world, so what should you do?
of course la... BE THANKFUL! Give thanks and praises to God all the times! He has answered your prayer in spiritual world, going to be manifested according to His perfect timing in this physical world!!!
Ok. As I keep on asking to pray according to God's will, so what is God's will? If you check the meaning of "salvation" in English, it means deliverance from sins or redemption.
So you are righteous in Christ when you receive salvation, so I do think you qualify all blessings of a righteous, which is preservation, healing, wholeness, long life, and prosperity! You now need faith to receive all these blessings!
And you received all these blessings because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross to make you righteous, NOT because of your righteous deeds.
OK. Praying in Holy Spirit (speak in tongue)..the prayer is 100% answered because it is the Spirit who prays, He knows what's God's will best..that's why it 100% answered. So you can come and join us to pray in Local Youth Prayer Gathering(LYPG) this sunday.
If you want to speak in tongue, we're willingly to pray for you there at KPC. We're going to worship, have fellowship with one another, short message from Pastor George and of course PRAY!
COME COME LYPG! We're looking forward to see you this sunday! Kuantan Presbyterian Center (KPC) from 3pm to 4.30pm ( 7.3.2010)
Say this and believe! C'mon!
Father in Heaven,
I thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ and I believe He died for my sins and rose up on the third day! I invite Jesus to fill in my entire body now! I ask for Jesus's blood to cover up HG and LYPG. I pray for wisdom in all we do. I ask for blessings to fall on LYPG and HG. I want the fire to keep on burning for you. More souls to be added to your kingdom and we worship you in Spirit and in truth. Lead us. Guide us. We want your light to shine on us. We want to glorify your name. Make us that in all we do, we honour You! I pray for souls to be saved in this LYPG! I pray that more people will go to LYPG and have faith in You! Faith comes by hearing the gospel! Hearing you! so talk to us! I invite Holy Spirit to be running for the LYPG in KPC this sunday from 3pm to 4.30pm. Boil us all over and let us fill Your love. Be drunk in the Spirit! This invitation is being accepted. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus's name, Amen
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8:04:00 PM
The Truck By Robert Kiser
The Truck By Robert Kiser
Not long after I became a Christian I had decided to spend a semester at Calvary Chapel Bible School down in Southern California.
As I made my plans and started saving the money needed to go I had a friend named Jack that tried to talk me out of it. He kept telling me that this Christianity thing was just a phase I was going through. Don't waste your money he would argue; use it for something worthwhile.
I ignored his advice and when I had saved enough for a semester I enrolled and was on my way. I had decided to leave my truck at home and take the bus down to Southern California.
After Bible school was over I came back home and found that my truck would not start. Now Jack was pretty good about working on cars so I asked him for some help. We worked on the truck all day and could not figure out why it refused to start.
Jack finally gave up and went home. Not long after he had left my Pastor Earl Best from Provolt Community Church came by. Earl told me he heard I was back and just wanted to stop by and see how I was doing and how my time at Bible School went.
I told him everything was great except my truck would not start. Earl told me he had a toolbox in his truck and would be glad to help me with it. I objected telling him that my friend Jack and I had already spent the whole day working on it and got nowhere.
Earl insisted that it couldn't hurt so I said ok. Earl got out his toolbox and set it next to my truck. Then Earl asked me if I had prayed about it. Reluctantly I admitted that that had not occurred to me. So Earl suggested that we get down on our knees and pray. After we prayed Earl suggested that I get in the truck and start it up.
I remember looking at him like he was nuts. As if that was really going to work, but I did as he said and much to my surprise the truck started immediately with no problem at all. Earl smiled and quietly put his toolbox back in his truck said goodbye and left.
Thrilled that my truck was working I decided to drive down to Applegate store. I ran into Jack at the store who came over asking me what was wrong with the truck and how did I fix it? I told Jack that I did not know what was wrong with the truck.
Jack looked at me with a rather puzzled look and asked again. How did you fix it? So I told jack about how the Pastor came over and suggested we pray about it and then the truck started right up.
Jack was speechless! He also quit teasing me about being a Christian and trying to convince me it was all in my head. I believe that that particular answered prayer was for both me and Jack.
For those interested in other stuff I have written
check out
Robert Kiser is the author of 4 books and the website.
His website explains and defends the Christian Faith. It also includes a section on Cults including Mormonism and Jehovah Witnesses.
compiled by Jeremy
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9:25:00 AM
Labels: testimonies, texts
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Trust in yourself? Fools!
Proverbs 28:26 (New International Version)
26 He who trusts in himself is a fool,
but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.
Firstly, we are all sinners and do not deserve any glory.
Don't worry if you're stupid/ugly/poor! God will still use you mightily! DON'T LET THEM STOP YOU FROM SERVING GOD! Satan just wants you to feel useless about yourself and stop you from serving!
Bible says you are a fool if you trust in yourself! Don't trust in yourself that you're stupid/ugly/poor or having a lot of weaknesses!
Don't trust in your own strengths, but walk in wisdom. There is only One way to wisdom, His name is Jesus!
But there is one truth, that you are nothing apart of Jesus. Don't worry if you have a lot of weaknesses.
Let's say the situation seems very bad now, and you are very weak and not equipped to overcome it. Don't worry, bible asked you not to trust in yourself that you are weak! Trust in Jesus's strength!
When the children of Israel were bitten by serpents in the desert, God told Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole — a picture of Christ being judged on the cross. (John 3:14) Those who looked at the bronze serpent instead of their wounds were healed. (Numbers 21:9) He who looks to Jesus lives!
Look at Jesus instead of yourself sinners! Jesus is perfect! The fact is you are weak, don't trust that! Fact will change, but God's words forever the same! Trust in Jesus, He's in you, never leave nor forsake you, the same yesterday today and forever! Forever perfect! Just trust! I shall say this to you:" Those who looked at Jesus instead of themselves were saved and wise and so much more"
By admitting that you're stupid/ugly/poor, you're actually humbling yourself before God! That's great!
1 Corinthians 1:27-29 (New International Version)
27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29so that no one may boast before him
See how God will use you? Trust in the Lord all the times..! God likes those who humble themselves! and depend on Jesus!
So have you seen someone praising his smartness all the time? Do you think you are smart?
Proverbs 26:12 (New International Version)
12 Do you see a man wise in his own eyes?
There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Worst! more hope for a fool than for him! Better repent...
OK.. how to have faith in Jesus? Faith comes by hearing the gospel, let's come to LYPG this sunday and we pray together! Our speaker is Pastor George!
You have crucified Jesus. He willingly let you to crucify Him so that you won't be crucified! You will have eternal life because He dies for your sins! This is LOVE!
Please don't think that you have did a lot of things for Jesus and start boasting. In heaven, I THINK you are not going to tell Jesus what you did for Him. BUT what you let the Spirit did for you and Him! So that no one can boast his works! You can't please God, only the Spirit in you can! Holy Spirit wants you to talk to Him everyday! He will promote Jesus, not Himself! teaching you all things...! Holy Spirit knows you! Only He knows God's will in you. He's the expert in praying!
So come come LYPG. I have invited Holy Spirit, Jesus and God to that place. They 100% will be there for you! COME COME LYPG AND PRAY! Only Holy Spirit knows God's will for you!
Question : why no one give any response to question of the day?
Question of the day : Why speaking in tongue...the prayer 100% answered?
By the way, any prayer request?
Say it and believe!
Father in Heaven,
I want Jesus to be filled in my life and He died for my sins to make me righteous in Christ. I thank You for the best Gift! I pray that more souls will be granted! More souls will worship you in truth and in the Spirit! Lead us holy spirit! I want to be with You forever! Let your perfect will be done on me! Fill me with your love and change me all the times! I put all my troubles to Jesus and Jesus says:"It is finished!" I'm going to believe it and receive! Thank You Jesus! Thank you thank you! in Jesus's name, Amen!
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8:10:00 PM
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
2010 March LYPG
Remember COP..? Well LYPG is kind of the current version of COP. If you miss COP very much or never knew anything about COP nor LYPG, well here's a good chance the Lord granted you to experience it yourself.
Date: 7th March
Time: 3.00P.M.~ 4.30P.M.
Venue: Kuantan Presbyterian Center (KPC)
Are you ready..?
compiled by Jeremy
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9:29:00 PM
Monday, March 1, 2010
2010 March Higher Ground Session
So how was exams, people..? It wasn't too difficult, right..?
Guess what..? The 2010 March Higher Ground session is gonna meet you as soon as the holidays are over. Check the details as below:
Date: 27th March 2010
Time: 7.30P.M.
Further details will be updated real soon.
Don't wait anymore, mark your calendars and we shall see you very soon. Blessed Holidays~ X)
compiled by Jeremy
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6:10:00 PM
Labels: events, HG Sessions, texts