Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Visit At 6pm

(in Mandarin)

"Hi, we're here to share with you something"
"..but I'd like to ask, do you know what guides the birds?"
"Instinct guides the birds to fly freely in the wide open blue sky"
"And these..yada yada yada. . ."
[huh? *with a quizzed look*]

(in English)

[*diverting my attention to the gal who was with the lady*]

"You don't speak mandarin do you?"
[err...nope *what an honest lie*]
"..okay, here I'm going to give you a book, just take it and read it"
"*flipping the pages to show me something*"
" we mention about success and happiness, so what is success or happiness to you..?"

[*upon seeing verses on the page, I interrupted* This is about God is it?]
"Yeah and maybe after you've read this we can come pay you a visit with someone who is better in English"
[yeahhh....I'm a Christian]
"Oh okay.."

"My name's Sharon and this is Aunty Kwan"

"Okay, so what shall we address you?"
[Eh? Clement...]
"Okay.*smiles and walks away*"

I immediately had to I was just visited by a Jehovah Witness!
and in my thoughts i thought, what is it that they believe that makes them different from us?
I mean, they read the Bible and praise and worship...but i noticed that while they were going around houses to distribute their booklets, out of 2 of them, 1 will be carrying an umbrella...
I'm waiting for my next meet with them, then I'll play my wicked ploy on them XD

compiled by lyme disease

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