Monday, February 1, 2010

God's Love......!

When the devil says," You are hopeless; you are lifeless; you are nothing and never able to do anything."
LISTEN DEVIL! I'm not listening to your image, I'm not listening to your like. I'm made in the image of the One who defeated you on the cross 2000 years ago! You can't tell me anything about image! Because I'm made in His image! In His image, we rule!

Genesis 1:27 (New International Version)

27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

Since we are made in the image of God, we are destined to reign under Him! Don't believe what satan says! Satan causes you to run away from God, but Jesus draws you closer to Him. Satan never tell the truth, don't ever believe or talk to him.

When satan told Eve that she will become like God after she ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve believed in satan and what happened?

She got lied by satan saying that she will become like God after she ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. DOESN'T SHE ALREADY LIKE GOD EVEN BEFORE SHE ATE THE FRUIT? SHE IS MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD! SHE IS ALREADY LIKE GOD!

Therefore, never believe those evil thoughts in your mind. Replace them with the Word of God, the promises God gave us! Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins! You have to believe that you are destined to reign by following Him! Doing the Lord's will would be the best thing to do!

We are all precious gems of God! But why are we called as gems?
Because gems are precious? True. But where do gems come from? Gems come from caves ( darkness) and you need some times to take them out from the caves. It's the same like us! We are from darkness (sinful nature) yet His light shine on us which made us shinning like gems everywhere! What Jesus did on the cross causes us to be redeemed from darkness to His light! Amen! Jesus is my advocate. Whenever I sin, Jesus is there to save me. He's my saviour and made me righteous in Christ! But how can we still live in sinful life? We can't live in sinful life anymore because of what Jesus did for us! He draws me near to Him and causes me to hate sin!

One last thing, LYPG on last sunday was truly great though there are not many people! Certainly one of the best gathering I've had! Did you guys know that Jesus Christ has a praying life on earth? Jesus Christ always pray, He prays whenever He go. He is our best example to follow.

If Jesus Christ needs to pray so often, how much more we need? Let's join us in LYPG to pray for everything! We're ready to see you there!

Say this and believe it! You are only one moment away from getting the heavenly peace I got!
Father in Heaven,
I thank You for Your Son Jesus dying on the cross to wash away all my sins! I believed He made me righteous in Christ by washing all my sins! I surrender myself to You, so take all of me! I ask for Jesus's blood all over me, annoint me in everything I do. Because in all I do, I want to honour you! I pour Jesus's blood on Higherground and LYPG, let Your perfect will be done! In Jesus's name, Amen!

Note: God loves you more than anyone else. He knows you and wanted you to have a fellowship with Him. We're ready to meet you! Email us at if you wanted to know about Him and meet us! Tell us at if you believe in Him and we can help to build you up!

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